Women can be truly inspiring people. They are often able to raise children, handle work, and rise to high positions in their respective industries all at once. Current numbers suggest that 70 percent of women who are raising children are also part of the workforce.
These accomplishments are amazing when it is considered that there are only 24 hours in a day. Recently, ten women sat down to answer questions pertaining to maintaining a home, raising children, and working a full-time job.
Hard Work
There is no way to sugarcoat the fact that raising children while maintaining a full-time job can be extremely difficult. A commonly asked question to women who handle these responsibilities well is ‘how do you do it?’ One mother says she answers this with ‘I don’t.’ She says there are days when she will simply take a moment for herself. This could mean leaving a sink filled with dishes until later or taking a walk down the street to exercise and relax.
Working for the Love of it
Many mothers work because they love what they do and want to use the abilities they possess and enjoy. Amanda Ponzar is one woman that took part in the discussion. Amanda says that no mother is perfect and should not be judged as such.
Financial Need
Some women work simply to help maintain the standard of living their family currently enjoys. Leslie Ford says she also possesses a genuine love for what she does at work. Leslie says it is important to her to show her children the benefits of hard work and the connection between work and independence.
The Need for Compartmentalization
It is important to understand the professional and family life of a working mother is two completely different issues. Meagan Zavala says that when she spends time with her daughter, she steps completely away from the computer and leaves the cell phone in another room. Conversely, Meagan says while at work she puts her phone in a desk drawer until it is needed for a work-related call.
No Martyrs Needed
Life coach Carrie Boan lives for the day that women no longer embrace the role of martyr. Boan says that women must be willing to take care of themselves if they hope to do well for their children. An occasional me-first thought is also necessary to juggle the many hats of a working mother and still find time to enjoy being alive.
Support Network
It always helps to surround yourself with people who have an idea of what you go through on a daily basis. Working mothers understand when another working mother needs a word of encouragement, a little advice, and a tip or trick to make a chore a little easier.
Know Your Own Limitations
Working mothers should never forget the fact that they are human. You should know your limits because when you are exhausted and burned out both your duties as a mother and a professional will suffer.