Cell phones emit radiation capable of adversely impacting your child. A study was conducted regarding the potential impact of cell phones on brain activity. The potential health hazards include non-malignant tumors in the ear and brain. The radiation from mobile phones has been classified by WHO as potentially carcinogenic in nature for humans.
Sixty percent more radiation is absorbed into the brain by children than adults. The bones, tissues and skin of a child’s brain absorb more than double the radiation of adults. Children have a higher risk of developing cancer from radiation because their nervous systems are still developing.
Inappropriate Behavior
Children using cell phones can become participants in inappropriate behavior. One of the most common issues with teenagers is texting inappropriate pictures. If these photos inadvertently fall into the wrong hands, their private photos can be accessed. Multimedia devices also provide children with an opportunity to view pornographic websites.
Children have become just as addicted to cell phones as teenagers. They use their mobile phones to talk to their friends, chat and play games. Mobile phones go to school with children in addition to school supplies. During classes, kids are sending messages. They use their free time to talk on their cell phones. This results in children falling behind because they are missing the lessons they need to learn.
The Impact on the Brain
Scientists have shown when a child spends two minutes on a cell phone, the electoral activity of their brain can be altered for a maximum of one hour. Mobile phones emit radio waves that penetrate into the brain as well as around the ear. The disruption in brain activity can impact the learning ability of the child. This can result in behavioral issues. This can impact the child’s ability to learn and affect their mood.
Cheating During Examinations
Children using cell phones during their breaks are more likely to cheat on external and internal examinations. Some use a calculator to store information. If caught, this can end the child’s career.
Cell Phone Safety for Kids
Parents need to take the steps necessary to minimize the amount of time their children are exposed to the harmful impact of cell phones. This includes:
• No child under the age of sixteen should be given a cell phone because their brains are too sensitive for the impact of mobile radiation.
• The child should not be allowed to use a cell phone in cars, buses, elevators and trains. The power level is increased because the metal makes it more difficult for the signal to get through.
• Children should not be allowed to bring their cell phones to school
• Children should be given an air-tube headset as opposed to holding the cell phone right up to their heads.
• Cell phones should not be left in the child’s bedroom overnight.
• If the signal is weak, the child should not be allowed to use a mobile phone. As the phone tries to connect, the power will increase to the maximum.