Having a child throw a temper tantrum can be embarrassing and difficult to handle. Many parents don’t know what to do when their child has a tantrum, and some respond in a negative way. The following guide walks you through a few positive steps to take the next time your child has a temper tantrum to make the situation easier for both of you.
Try to determine what is causing the tantrum
Parents often make the mistake of assuming that a tantrum arises simply because a child doesn’t get their way. That isn’t always the case. Some children throw temper tantrums out of frustration. They want to get a point across but aren’t able to communicate it properly. Some children because very irritable when they are tired or hungry. Trying to figure out the root of the issue can make handling the tantrum easier.
Try to maintain a calm, positive attitude
The embarrassment that comes with your child acting out in public can be overwhelming. Many parents become flustered and simply want to do anything that they can to get their child to stop acting out right away. This isn’t always a good idea because you may be teaching your child that they will get their way in the future if they act out. Instead, try to keep your calm and talk to your child about what their issue is. Making sure that they understand that it is easier to simply stay calm and communicate their issues can decrease the chances of outbursts in the future.
Proper preparation can decrease the likelihood of tantrums
Avoiding tantrums all together is the best way to deal with them. Be sure that your child is well rested before taking them somewhere that has a lot of stimulation. Be sure to feed your child before taking them out and bring snacks with you in case they get hungry during your outing. Be sure to bring extra clothes in case your child gets cold, wet or dirty throughout the day, as well.
Tantrums are going to occur at some point, no matter how much you prepare. You need to be sure to find ways to communicate with your child openly and honestly. If you say no to something, you need to be firm and stick to what you say. You may want to consider providing your child with alternative options if you feel their request isn’t feasible. This allows them to have some control over the situation and teaches them how to compromise. Which is a very important skill for everyone to have.